Hi Jones!

Great discussions going on now that the bar has been cleared of any trolls!

Just wish I had more time to have a drink with fellow Vorts.


"Since the walls of this chamber are vibrating at 500 K, then there is
really no distinct "chamber" available in 3-space that can exclude some kind
of physical interaction. >>>since the excursion of the walls is greater than
the enclosed volume.<<<"


Not sure I understand that statement. pls clarify?


". since the excursion of the walls is greater than the enclosed volume."


This assumes that the NAE are all less than a few atom diameters in size. I
reject that.  Why couldn't they be 10s or 100s of atoms across?  In
addition, there MUST be a physical/size limit to the extent ('excursion') of
the electron 'clouds' of the wall atoms.  Beyond that, there would only be
E/B-fields, and as far as I know, E/B fields do not have a temperature; do
not absorb and emit photons.  It sure is dark way down in this wabbit hole!
Somebody care to shed some visible wavelength photons on this thought


Could the wall atoms emit thermal (IR) photons (hell, any photons for that
matter) which fly across the NAE only to be absorbed by the opposite wall???
I imagine its possible, however, my sense is that the heat quanta of the
wall atoms have a much lower resistance path to their neighboring lattice
atoms than emitting photons into the voids.  Thus, *IF* the void's physical
size is more than a few atom diameters, it does present a perfect vacuum
chamber at 0K; and Ed's model posits that there is some mid-point area where
the wall atom electron E-flds will balance so any H+ diffusing into the NAE
ends up at this central locale. resulting in a more or less a linear
arrangement of hydrotons.


If the NAE is only a few atoms across and elongated, then we end up with
Ed's model. I think I've got that right.

However, if it is more than a few atoms across and more or less
oval/spherical, then there may be room for 2D or 3D clusters of H+.

Can both facilitate LENR effects, or just one?


-Mark Iverson 



From: Jones Beene [mailto:jone...@pacbell.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 12:46 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:BEC transforms photon frequency




From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 


You may not have followed the thread I started, 'Of NAEs and Nothingness'.

It was like pulling teeth, but I think Ed and I established some common
ground that when a 'dislocation' or void forms in the host material, and
*before* any H or D diffuses into this void, it is a (near perfect) vacuum.
There could be E or B fields present, but those are not 'matter', so the NAE
is essentially a 'vacuum chamber' at 0K, and likely better than anything
that our hi-tech vacuum pumps can produce.  Is this not the kind of
'chamber' which could support the formation of BECs???


Hmmm. This is the kind of chamber which may be a gateway into 4-space.
Perhaps that is what Cavity QED is all about anyway. Since the walls of this
chamber are vibrating at 500 K, then there is really no distinct "chamber"
available in 3-space that can exclude some kind of physical interaction .
since the excursion of the walls is greater than the enclosed volume. 


I always end up regretting it when Hotson's Dirac interpretation enters the
discussion . not just because it is surely as close to correct as anything
out there, but also because it is so difficult to explain that in the end.
everyone walks away frustrated.


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