From: Edmund Storms 


I'm saying that BEC is known to form near absolute zero but has not been
shown to form BETWEEN ATOMS at higher temperatures. People have PROPOSED BEC
formation at high temperature between energy states but this has not been
fully demonstrated or shown to apply to atoms.   


I will go further than Ed on this one. The BEC simply CANNOT form at higher
than absolute zero in real matter- and certainly not at several hundred
degrees C. There is a pretty good thread on Slashdot on this subject, and it
is almost by definition.


Polaritons are not real matter. That these are only an abstraction should be
obvious to all . but apparently, it has not registered with a few of us that
polaritons are imaginary "quasiparticles" - and although they may be useful
as descriptive aids for how collective systems operate in practice,
including LENR - they are fictitious.


You do not need a physics text to understand the implications of higher
temperature BECs in real matter - a "Cat's Cradle" will suffice, thanks to a
fabulous old metaphor.


So - even if you can find a paper on room temperature BECs in polaritons or
magnons (my favorite quasiparticle for LENR), there are no paper for BEC
real matter significantly above absolute zero.  At least none that I know of
- and in general, it should be obvious that if this kind of condensation
could happen with real particles in real-world situations, then we
(humanity) would be in trouble. 


Common sense should tell you - if this could happen easily - it is the
proto-typical "Ice-nine" syndrome. 


On the one hand, Ice-nine is what would put the "cold" back into cold
fusion, but thankfully or sadly, depending on your PoV, quasiparticles are
not particles.



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