
You may not have followed the thread I started, 'Of NAEs and Nothingness'.

It was like pulling teeth, but I think Ed and I established some common
ground that when a 'dislocation' or void forms in the host material, and
*before* any H or D diffuses into this void, it is a (near perfect) vacuum.
There could be E or B fields present, but those are not 'matter', so the NAE
is essentially a 'vacuum chamber' at 0K, and likely better than anything
that our hi-tech vacuum pumps can produce.  Is this not the kind of
'chamber' which could support the formation of BECs???


Let's continue on with that line of reasoning.

When any atom enters the NAE, the only energy it has is what it brings with
it.  The E or B fields within would likely cause the atom to align itself
with those fields to reach a minimal energy orientation.  If the fields
serve to (physically?) restrict atomic motion or size or shape, then that
could initiate photon emission of some of the thermal energy which the atom
had when it entered the NAE. If enough thermal energy is shed, and this
happens to a number of such atoms in the NAE, they would spontaneously form
a BEC.


In the BEC experiments that I've read, they use laser and/or *magnetic*
evaporative cooling to reduce the temp of the atoms until, at some threshold
temp (in the  nanoKelvins), they coalesce into the BEC.  Condensation of
magnons has occurred at 14K (see excerpt below), which is orders of
magnitude higher than with the usual BEC setup (atomic gases).


Here is an excerpt from the Wikipedia entry on BECs:

"The Bose-Einstein condensation also applies to quasiparticles in solids. A
magnon in an antiferromagnet carries spin 1 and thus obeys Bose-Einstein
statistics. The density of magnons is controlled by an external magnetic
field, which plays the role of the magnon chemical potential. This technique
provides access to a wide range of boson densities from the limit of a
dilute Bose gas to that of a strongly interacting Bose liquid.   [EMPHASIS]
A magnetic ordering observed at the point of condensation is the analog of
superfluidity. In 1999 Bose condensation of magnons was demonstrated in the
antiferromagnet TlCuCl3.[18] The condensation was observed at *temperatures
as large as 14 K*. Such a high transition temperature (relative to that of
atomic gases) is due to the greater density achievable with magnons and the
smaller mass (roughly equal to the mass of an electron). In 2006,
condensation of magnons in ferromagnets was even shown at room
temperature,[19][20] where the authors used pumping techniques."


Still haven't found the bottom of the rabbit hole.



Relevant links:
<> -Einstein_condensate


-Mark Iverson


From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:BEC transforms photon frequency



From: Edmund Storms 


I'm saying that BEC is known to form near absolute zero but has not been
shown to form BETWEEN ATOMS at higher temperatures. People have PROPOSED BEC
formation at high temperature between energy states but this has not been
fully demonstrated or shown to apply to atoms.   


I will go further than Ed on this one. The BEC simply CANNOT form at higher
than absolute zero in real matter- and certainly not at several hundred
degrees C. There is a pretty good thread on Slashdot on this subject, and it
is almost by definition.


Polaritons are not real matter. That these are only an abstraction should be
obvious to all . but apparently, it has not registered with a few of us that
polaritons are imaginary "quasiparticles" - and although they may be useful
as descriptive aids for how collective systems operate in practice,
including LENR - they are fictitious.


You do not need a physics text to understand the implications of higher
temperature BECs in real matter - a "Cat's Cradle" will suffice, thanks to a
fabulous old metaphor.


So - even if you can find a paper on room temperature BECs in polaritons or
magnons (my favorite quasiparticle for LENR), there are no paper for BEC
real matter significantly above absolute zero.  At least none that I know of
- and in general, it should be obvious that if this kind of condensation
could happen with real particles in real-world situations, then we
(humanity) would be in trouble. 


Common sense should tell you - if this could happen easily - it is the
proto-typical "Ice-nine" syndrome. 


On the one hand, Ice-nine is what would put the "cold" back into cold
fusion, but thankfully or sadly, depending on your PoV, quasiparticles are
not particles.



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