You are right, Jed's paper is indeed very well written and I will cite
it in future discussions and papers re technology. In the present one
I am focusing very specifically on the drama and what-it-could be
of Cold Fusion. The idea is that CF was discovered too early when
there were no conditions to convert in a technology and it was discovered
in a wrong place. But now it has arrived its time. "Its" is to be considered
with great care- what goes commercial is very different from what
Fleischmann and Pons have started with, metal and hydrogen remain all other
things are CHANGED.


On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 11:28 PM, Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

> > From: "Peter Gluck" <>
> > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 12:58:23 PM
> >
> > My dear Friends,
> > I have just published:
> >
> >
> It substantially endorses Jed's article
> (engineering trumps
> formal scientific experiment trumps abstract scientific theory) : maybe you
> should add that link.

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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