blaze spinnaker <> wrote:

This is a good reason to have a very hard time with this trade secret
> approach that the LENR businesses guys are taking.

They have no choice. They cannot get patents.

> This is one of the reasons why I don't think Rossi has anything.   If he
> did, why not just disclose it all and then patent it?

You have to patent it first. That discloses it. You cannot patent something
you have already disclosed.

>    People say he wouldn't get a patent because it's cold fusion, but
> that's just plain craziness.

No, it is a fact. Nearly all patents are summarily rejected, without
review. This policy was established in June 1989. See:

(In a similar vein, all papers submitted to major journals are rejected
without peer review, with a form letter.)

> The patent examiners would be more than happy to give him a patent if he
> proves it works.  Disclosing how it's made would be the first step to doing
> that.

You misunderstand the meaning and role of patents. If he does not disclose
how it works in the patent, the patent is invalid, by definition. Patent
law says that a person having ordinary skill in the art (PHOSITA) must be
able to replicate using the patent.

In any case, no patent examiner will look at a cold fusion related patent.
It will be rejected with a form letter. Years ago the letter cited the New
York Times as proof that cold fusion does not exist.

- Jed

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