Patent rules in the U.S. have recently changed effective March 18, 2013

Priority is now first to file not first to invent....
LENR when it finally becomes economically viable (its been real soon now
for 20yrs) will be an epic patent battle with
every half brained idea posted somewhere in random spewing for the last 20
Just the discussions on vortex will be fertile ground for invalidating

The key difference in the new U.S. patent law is this...

With first to invent if you could prove you invented something before the
person trying to patent it you win.
now that does not matter... prior art now only includes publicly available

I found this document to be a good guide to the new patent rules...

European  patents must meet the sufficiency of disclosure test....


On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:07 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> blaze spinnaker <> wrote:
>> By your logic, the patent that Rossi has applied for is dead, kaput, and
>> can't be fixed.
> I do not know enough about patent law to judge, but people have told me it
> is dead, kaput, hopeless.
> I hope for his sake that is not true.
> I read his patents. They do not seem to disclose anything. I do not see
> how a PHOSITA could replicate from one of them. But as I said, I cannot
> judge.
> David French does not seem impressed by them.
> - Jed

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