DJ Cravens <> wrote:

> I disagree that only an engineer can understand a CF demo.

A scientists or an engineer. Ordinary people cannot. I have a lot of
dealing with ordinary people. They are not stupid, but this stuff is harder
than you realize. You have been dealing with it for so long it seems simple
to you.

Also, you are a physics professor. I can't tell you how many times a
professor has said to me: "It's simple! Anyone can understand it" before
launching into discussion so complex and incomprehensible it makes my head

> You should try to be smart enough to look beyond grammar and look at the
> science.

I do! I am the editor. That's my job.

Other people do not look beyond these things. Investors and engineers often
do not.

I still take your comments like ,  "You, Dennis, sometimes submit papers
> and put on *a presentations (sic) *not fit for a middle school science
> fair" . . .

Voice input and typos are fact of life for me.

> , as condescending an arrogant and a violation of Vortex rules.  Please
> avoid personal attacks.

I am talking about your papers, not you. It is my opinion that some of them
are substandard. That's not a personal attack.

> PS, I do not think I have "Failed" as you put it.  I think I have done
> considerable with the resources and time available to me.

You do not enough resources. You should have gotten more. You have a
responsibility to get resources, succeed and to bring this technology to
the world, if it is within your power to do so.

If you fail because you refuse to write a paper or use the spell check,
that is as much your fault as any sloppy mistake you might make in the lab.

>   We cannot work in major labs, have secretaries/grad students, have mega
> buck rich friends .......

You can.

If you have what you claim, you can.

I think you, and other cold fusion researchers, have a social
responsibility to do so. A person who has a device capable of saving 50,000
lives a week should not hesitate to do whatever is within his power to
perfect that device. If it means you must write papers, spell check them,
present the information and get funding then that's what you should do,
however much you dislike those activities.

If you do not have what you claim, this conversation is a waste of time and
a farce. Many cold fusion researchers do not have what they claim. They
think they do, but they are wrong.

- Jed

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