DJ Cravens <> wrote:

     "Voice input and typos are fact of life for me."
> Perhaps you should read and edit your material before you hit send.
>      "You do not enough resources"  (sic)

Meant: You do not HAVE enough resources.

Have telegraphic style. Often drop words. Not voice input's fault. Probably
influenced by Japanese. You no like, you can lump.

> Why don't you see your own need then to forget your NDA aversions . . .

I have no aversion to NDAs. They would defeat my present purposes, that's
all. If I had a reason to acquire secret information I would not hesitate
to sign one, but I have no such reason.

> , go to DGT, witness a demo, measure what you will, and then  tell your
> claimed "friends" simply that you have seen it and they should see for
> themselves.

I told them to go. I am no middleman. Not qualified in any case.

>    YOU might could save 10's of thousands of lives a day IF you really
> have the  mega buck "friends" you claim you have and can release millions
> "in your sleep".

Anyone could raise that kind of money with the Patterson device. He could
have had $20 million for the asking. It would be like taking candy from a

Rossi could have a billion for the asking, but he would lose control over
the gadget, which he is loath to do. He wants control. Patterson wanted
100% market share. People who make impossible demands end up with nothing.
Fortunately, Rossi seems to be softening his demands.

- Jed

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