Axil Axil <> wrote:

It would be ironically tragic if the guy who has spent the best part of his
> life supporting cold fusion and then LENR, did not recognize the
> personification of his goal when it was placed in front of him.

I never "recognize" any claim until it has been replicated. That is the

It would be an even bigger tragedy if he fought against his goal’s
> realization.

Who is fighting?!? That is ridiculous. I am saying they should release a
third-party evaluation if they want credibility. Anyone would say that.
Okay, maybe they do not want credibility, or they do not need it. But if
they do want it, they should publish a paper. A demonstration is a good
first step but it must be followed by a rigorous, third-party written
evaluation. They know that! Everyone knows the rules. I am not attacking
anyone when I point this out.

> Anybody that agrees with Mary Y in any way needs to reevaluate his
> thinking processes.

Even a stopped (analog) clock is right twice a day. It is not logical to
claim that every valid assertion must be opposite of whatever Mary Yugo
says. She does not get to set the agenda or decide what is logical. If I
reach a conclusion independently of her that happens to agree with her,
that means she is right. It does not mean I am wrong.

- Jed

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