Any group which demands faith as a condition of participation is a cult.


On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> What Defkalion attempted to do was to instill faith in the LENR community.
> It is the same principle where the body of the Church recognizes actions
> that cannot be explained by natural laws, to inspire faith in the
> membership. When the blind see again, when the cripple walk, when the dead
> rise and walk again among us, the faithful believe no matter what is said
> against the faith. If there is no faith in your heart, there can be no
> belief. If there is no belief, there can be no Church.
> Our Church is weak and beset from all quarters. We do not need dissention
> in the membership.
> You are acting like a loathsome heretic in the face of a divine miracle,
> like a non-believer, like a devil worshiper, like Mary Yugo who wants to
> destroy the faith at every turn.
> Faith is beyond logic and reason, beyond proof and testing. It is the
> greatest achievement of the human heart; it is what makes the assent of man
> march inexorably forward..
> Do you require more evidence to bolster your faith like doubting Thomas, a
> skeptic in the faith who refused to believe without direct personal
> experience, to plunge his suspicious fingers deep into the gaping
> wounds piercing  the lifeless hands still flowing forth in the sacred blood
> as proof of the miracle that you so long hoped was possible?
> You are demonstrating a total lack of faith, a faith in a process that
> will not be understood until you have long passed from this veil of tears.
> Faith has its rules too. there is no middle ground,  in this matter. either
> you have the faith or you don’t; and you don’t and you probably never will.

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