among the few irresponsible buzz to relay :

- is Defkalion bought out by Chinese ?
- does Russian/Ukrainian own a competing technology ?
- is 500 million for DGT, a small price ? If 48billion more honest? 8-o

- what is a scam artist company doing  with Fasmatech ("a company
manufacturing spectrographs-to order, at "Democritos" Research Institute
technology hub") : , ;-)


note that Defkalion said they will go back to greece in 2015. they lied !
they are already back !
Liars! liars!

About China I notice :
- they own great Greek ports
- they own most western government debt
- they host Pamela Mosier-Boss
- They host and fund Shaywer and his Emdrive (
- and... Defkalion? hum... no data... no data, yet.


I should learn Chinese language.
And stop Indonesian coffee in the morning.

2013/8/12 Peter Gluck <>

> My dear readers,
> It is my privilege to offer you the text of a recent paper about
> Defkalion.
> I am grateful to the author for this fine paper despite to some minor
> but constructive disagreements regarding the interpretations of some
> scientific issues.
> I have studied history and so I am aware that when Christopher Columbus
> has discovered the New World,the North American mass media was unanimous in
> rejecting his business model as "primitive,
> dis-informed and inadequate for discovering and developing a new
> continent."
> Judging in retrospective, they were 90% right.
> Anyway the North American tradition has survived and flourished
> and today there are there 3 times more experts in business model
> criticizing than in baseball. No problem, their intentions are good.
> Google and Apple can demonstrate us how effective these critics
> are.
> My very best wishes to all my readers.
> Peter
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

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