From: Teslaalset 


It's about time we spend a bit more time on facts and much less on all the

Stirring up all kind of noise does not contribute to the promotion of LENR. 

Sometimes it's OK to just be silent for a while. 


You are exactly right. 


Despite good intent, Peter seems to have lost all ability to discriminate
between science and show business. This is noise - completely premature.


My first impression:  A scam artist would have done it no differently.


This document coming on the heels of the Canadian stock offering is a tipoff
- only a completely foolish investor would fall for it. Kim should be
ashamed to have his name on what amounts to no more than a stage show.
Investors: Stay Away!


Without more - far more, and since there is not the least bit of scientific
proof - I'm with the skeptics on this one. 


A strong indication of bad intent is that without any further evidence,
despite calls for some minimal kind of confirmation - they repeat the
fantastic statement: "After that, you observe a sharp increase of the
magnetic field within the reactor between 0.6 to 1.6 Tesla. This according
to Kim indicates that "the reaction results in very strong electric fields
E, currents I and magnetic fields B". 


Sad state of affairs this is. This kind of development, if it proves to be a
scam, will set the field back many years. 

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