Jed, a better method is to use a constant rate pump. These are available and are very reliable and accurate. The rate is not affected by back pressure, within reason and can be adjusted to achieve the required delta T.

On Aug 12, 2013, at 2:37 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

DJ Cravens <> wrote:

I think the filters were to protect the flow meter. I think the water was just out of the taps and who knows what Greek water is like.

This was in Italy. But okay, that makes sense. I would use a less sensitive flow meter. Granted, those things are ornery and often get plugged up or broken.

The kind used in your house to bill for your water is robust but maybe not sensitive enough. On the other hand, if they boost the flow rate up to 4 L/min it should do. That would be fast enough to prevent boiling, I think.

- Jed

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