Bad enough to be lead story on the 7 o'clock news, and to make Cabinet
Minister hopping mad. High government officials in Japan seldom get hopping
mad at major corporations in public. They are like U.S. Republicans. They
are best friends with big corporations and big money.

The Fukushima reactor disaster is going to on for years and years. Probably
decades. I doubt that people will go back to living in places where the
wild boars are 600 times too radioactive to eat.

When it works, nuclear power is cheaper than coal, oil, wind or any other
source of electricity. Now we have seen that when it fails, the cost can be
catastrophic. The critics predicted that. I did not think so, but I now see
the critics were right. I am pretty sure this one accident wiped out all
the savings that nuclear power every made in Japan. Probably it cost more
than all the savings in the world, not just Japan.

- Jed

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