OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

> If the local wildlife has ingested 600 times the amount of radioactivity
> to be eaten by humans, I find myself asking myself: how the hell can they
> continue to survive and presumably reproduce?

They are reproducing like the dickens.

Hideo Ikegami and Mike Melich both told me that the radiation safety
standards are based on wild guesses. They more or less pulled the numbers
out of a hat. There were some studies based on the mortality rates from the
Hiroshima bomb, but that hardly seems like a good model to me. A lot else
was going on with those people, such as burns, starvation and disease.

I think there were animal studies, but I have heard the results were all
over the map. Ikegami said that one point they tested tritium in fish
(T2O). They put in supposedly fatal doses. The fish were unfazed.

Having said all that, I sure wouldn't eat those boars, or the plants they
are eating. I wouldn't want to live there. Nobody lives there. That's why
the boar, monkey and mice populations are exploding.

- Jed

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