Alain Sepeda <> wrote:

I have heard that for nuclear power plant the worst cost is building, not
> even dispantling.

Dismantling. Decommission. They have not decomissioned many of them so the
cost is unclear. The cost of decommissioning Three Mile Island and
Connecticut Yankee was horrendously high, because they were destroyed
internally and could only be taken apart with robots. No one has any idea
how much it will cost to decommission and clean up Fukushima. A planned
decommission with the equipment intact is cheaper.

> fuel like with LENr is negligible.
> Mantenance is expensive.

Maintenance is expensive. Because the fuel is cheap but the equipment is
expensive, nuclear power plants have to be run 24 hours a day for
"baseline" generation. Otherwise they are not cost effective.

> maintaining a fission reactor a decade more is quite cheap...
> is it cheaper that LENR ?

No. LENR will be far cheaper than any other source. Eventually it will be
thousands of times cheaper.

- Jed

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