Thx Fran!


RE: “Ether never really left but nice to see it returning to center stage.”


It never left in reality, but it most certainly did as far as mainstream
physics is, or was, concerned…



HUP is only a result of having to measure the weight of one of those angels
on the head of the pin, with an 18-wheeler truck scale…


Really miss being able to contribute to the Collective’s discussions on a
regular basis, but I do keep tabs on the streaming consciousnesses… 


Hope all is well on your side of the planet!



From: Frank roarty [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 5:42 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A new theory of electromagnetism is in the works.



Nicely said! Ether never really left but nice to see it returning to center
stage. Changes in this ether / vacuum density due to nano geometry can
however polarize - segregate larger pockets of altered vacuum pressure
encompassing entire atoms and molecules –and when these atoms or molecules
happen to be of gas that is still being pushed around by vacuum fluctuations
at the HUP level the stage is set for exploiting gas motion to propel them
through DCE. IMHO a self assembled HUP trap capable of discounting
disassociation and producing thermal energy.



From: MarkI-ZeroPoint [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 12:49 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A new theory of electromagnetism is in the works.


Like I’ve been saying for years, coherent, dipole-like oscillations of an
isolated volume of the vacuum…


“"If you take a snapshot of the position of electrons in a FQH state they
appear random and you think you have a liquid," says Wen. 


Makes perfect sense if the ‘snapshot’ (by a really, really fast
‘strobe-light’) is not occurring at the same frequency as the oscillation
you’re trying to observe; which is most assuredly the case here.  It could
also be strobing at a multiple, or sub-harmonic of that frequency.  ‘Sub’,
is what will happen first since we are getting close with attosecond


"But if you follow the motion of the electrons, you see that, unlike in a
liquid, the electrons dance around each other in a well organized manner and
form a global dancing pattern."


If you are able to adjust the frequency AND phase of the strobe-light, then
you could easily follow the motion, and you’d see that it’s motion was not
random at all…  Electric and/or magnetic fields oriented properly would also
restrict that oscillation to a limited area.


"What if electrons were not elementary, but were the ends of long strings in
a string-net liquid which becomes our space?"


The electron and the electron-hole are opposite ends of a dipole-like
oscillation!!!  If you take a dipole, and pivot it at its center, free to
rotate on all three axes, it will APPEAR to be an ‘orbital’ (at least the
innermost one).   When you add additional dipole-oscillations (aka,
electrons) to an atom, they restrict each other’s motion and we get the
familiar orbital shapes.  These guys just have to explain it using a
framework that they know best, which is string theory… 


“Normally, electrons prefer to have their spins to be in the opposite
direction to that of their immediate neighbors,”


Like, DUH!!!!  Because the like-ends of the dipole will repel each other, so
only complementary (180degs out of phase) oscillations will ‘pair up’.   So
they prefer this state, but in a solid it’s not the norm; however, in a gas,
they are pretty much free from neighbor interactions.  This is also a simple
*realistic* explanation for how two valence alectrons ‘pair-up’ to form
Cooper Pairs… ya know, VIOLATING one of the tenets of physics which is like
charges repel.  Oh, but we’ll make an exception and just give it a new


“So in their theory elementary particles are not the fundamental building
blocks of matter. Instead, they emerge as defects or ‘whirlpools’ in the
deeper organized structure of space-time.”


Like I’ve been saying for years, coherent, dipole-like oscillations of an
isolated volume of the vacuum…

Ok, not exactly the same wording as mine, but they’ll come around…



“Wen and Levin found that, in a state of string-net liquid, the motion of
string-nets correspond to a wave that behaved according to a very famous set
of equations -- Maxwell's equations!  A hundred and fifty years after
Maxwell wrote them down, ether -- a medium that produces those equations --
was finally found." says Wen.”


Behold the rebirth of aether physics…


-Mark Iverson


From: Rich Murray [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 7:08 PM
To:; Rich Murray; Joshua Cude
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A new theory of electromagnetism is in the works.


New Scientist published an article about string-net theory and unification
of light and electrons. The following is my modification of the article
trying to make it more accurate. 

-- Xiao-Gang Wen 



The universe is a string-net liquid


A mysterious green crystal may be challenging our most basic ideas about
matter and even space-time itself


Zeeya Merali


(March 15, 2007) 


In 1998, just after he won a share of the Nobel prize for physics, Robert
Laughlin of Stanford University in California was asked how his discovery of
"particles" with fractional charge would affect the lives of ordinary
people. "It probably won't," he said, "unless people are concerned about how
the universe works."


Well, people were. Xiao-Gang Wen at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and Michael Levin at Harvard University ran with Laughlin's ideas
and have come up with a theory for a new state of matter, and even a
tantalizing picture of the nature of spacetime itself. Levin presented their
work at the Topological Quantum Computing conference at the University of
California, Los Angeles, early this month.


The first hint that a new type of matter may exist came in 1982. "Twenty
five years ago we thought we understood everything about phases and phase
transitions of matter," says Wen. "Then along came an experiment that opened
up a whole new world."


"The positions of electrons in a FQH state appear random like in a liquid,
but they dance around each other in a well organized manner and form a
global dancing pattern."


In the experiment, electrons moving in the interface between two
semiconductors form a strange state, which allows a particle-like excitation
(called a quasiparticle) that carries only 1/3 of electron charge. Such an
excitation cannot be view as a motion of a single electron or any cluster
with finite electrons. Thus this so-called fractional quantum Hall (FQH)
state suggested that the quasiparticle excitation in a state can be very
different from the underlying particle that form the state. The
quasiparticle may even behave like a fraction of the underlying particle,
even though the underlying particle can never break apart. It soon became
clear that electrons under certain conditions can organize in a way such
that a defect or a twist in the organization gives rise to a quasiparticle
with fractional charge -- an explanation that earned Laughlin, Horst Störmer
and Daniel Tsui the Nobel prize (New Scientist, 31 January 1998, p 36).


Wen suspected that the effect could be an example of a new type of matter.
Different phases of matter are characterized by the way their atoms are
organized. In a liquid, for instance, atoms are randomly distributed,
whereas atoms in a solid are rigidly positioned in a lattice. FQH systems
are different. "If you take a snapshot of the position of electrons in a FQH
state they appear random and you think you have a liquid," says Wen. "But if
you follow the motion of the electrons, you see that, unlike in a liquid,
the electrons dance around each other in a well organized manner and form a
global dancing pattern."


It is as if the electrons are entangled. Today, physicists use the term to
describe a property in quantum mechanics in which particles can be linked
despite being separated by great distances. Wen speculated that FQH systems
represented a state of matter in which long-range entanglement was a key
intrinsic property, with particles tied to each other in a complicated
manner across the entire material. Different entanglement patterns or
dancing patterns, such as "waltz", "square dance", "contra dance", etc, give
rise to different quantum Hall states. According to this point of view, a
new pattern of entanglement will lead to a new state of matter.


This led Wen and Levin to the idea that there may be a different way of
thinking about states (or phases) of matter. In an attempt of construct
states will all possible patterns of entanglement, they formulated a model
in which particles form strings and such strings are free to move "like
noodles in a soup" and weave together into "string-nets" that fill the
space. They found that liquid states of string-nets can realize a huge class
of different entanglement patterns which, in turn, correspond to a huge
class of new states of matter.


Light and matter unified


"What if electrons were not elementary, but were the ends of long strings in
a string-net liquid which becomes our space?"


A state or a phase correspond to an organization of particles. A deformation
in the organization represents a wave in the state. A new state of matter
will usually support new kind of waves. Wen and Levin found that, in a state
of string-net liquid, the motion of string-nets correspond to a wave that
behaved according to a very famous set of equations -- Maxwell's equations!
The equations describe the behavior of light -- a wave of electric and
magnetic field. "A hundred and fifty years after Maxwell wrote them down,
ether -- a medium that produces those equations -- was finally found." says


That wasn't all. They found that the ends of strings are sources of the
electric field in the Maxwell's equations. In other words, the ends of
strings behave like charged electrons. The string-end picture can even
reproduce the Fermi statistics and the Dirac equation that describes the
motion of the electrons. They also found that string-net theory naturally
gave rise to other elementary particles, such as quarks, which make up
protons and neutrons, and the particles responsible for some of the
fundamental forces, such as gluons and the W and Z bosons.


[remainder deleted]


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