On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>  Harry--
> A photon--light is thought to be an electric field and an orthogonal
> magnetic field which oscillate with an amplitude and frequency
> characteristic of the energy of the photon, and propagate through space
> empty space at the speed of light c.  There is no charge that creates the
> magnetic field of the photon nor the electric field  that I know of.
> Also there is a recent experiment from Sweden or Finland that seems to
> identify a magnetic monopole at very low temperatures.  Magnetic monopoles
> have been conjectured for many years--even before I studies physics in the
> late 50's.  It is not clear how a circulating charge could create a
> monopole.  Check this link--
> http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v505/n7485/full/nature12954.html
> Bob

They have found evidence of a _Dirac_ monopole which is a "quasi particle".
 If it were a "real particle", it would have an associated monopole
magnetic field independent of other magnetic fields in the environment just
like an electron has an associated electric field independent of other
electric fields in the environment. However, a Dirac monopole needs a
preexisting (or as they say "synthetic") magnetic field to come into being.


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