Labeling the mainstream climate narrative as 'true' or 'false' perpetuates the 
'black or white' fallacy.  The elite controlled media helps by labeling 
prominent skeptics as "deniers" even if they openly acknowledge a rise in 
temperature over decades (Lindzen).  Eliminating a moderate view serves 
political and economic interests especially of the elite.

Being naive about the power of the elite - and the TBTJ banks in particular 
might be fatal.  Just ask Andrew Maguire and read the details of his "accident" 
on Wikipedia.  Or think about the recent rash of "suicides" in the big banking 
community among those who had connections to matters under investigation. 
Calling these things "circumstantial" can lead to being 'carried by six'.

I sincerely hope the truth about LENR emerges suddenly upon the world and is 
disbelieved until the 'last minute'.  Otherwise, there's no telling what the 
sociopaths in charge might do......

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