On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>
Axil, after considerable thought and examination of the literature, I can
say with certain that the various theories are flawed because they do not
acknowledge the chemical conditions in which LENR occurs.

I acknowledge chemical conditions as follows:  a dielectric gas, a
transition metal, heat. What else have I said  is required?

Too often various esoteric quantum processes are applied that are in basic
conflict with the requirements imposed by the chemical structure and by
well know laws and observation.

A topological defect in the metal structure provides the quantum
environment that supports LENR, even if that environment is complicated.


If the limitations imposed by chemistry are applied to what is actually
observed, the explanation becomes much clearer.

One important chemical manifestation that is almost always central to the
LENR process is nano-particle production as a condensate of cooling plasma.
This is a generalization of the Storms' lattice crack posit.

You in particular, throw any idea that comes to mind at the wall and hope
something sticks.

The ideas that hit the wall are all consistent with the ones that have been
thrown previously. Each idea is a projection and an implication of the
previous material and all ideas are fashioned to answer one ore more LENR

For example, a standard quantum nanocavity based nanoplasmonic mechanism
supports a positive nuclear feedback process while providing both
thermalization of gamma radiation and upshift of infrared heat,. .

As a result, your wall makes no sense to you. If you would focus on what is
known about LENR, you would find out exactly what the elephant looks like.

The elephant is truly a huge animal and unfortunately the wall is large
with a heavy coat of material. Regrettably, LENR is very complicated,
interconnected, and obscure.

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