These references tie into the thread on a dynamical Casimir effect in LENR
and to SPP. 


That may be why they were sent, but in case the connection is not obvious to
everyone, here is an additional point. 


Mie scattering and Mie's solution to Maxwell - is the scattering of
electromagnetic radiation by a sphere. Generally a sphere makes a good
radiator but does not make a good antenna, but there are exceptions. When
the sphere is a micron-sized nickel powder, loaded with hydrogen and with
nanometer geometry in the surface features (tubules), all of this becomes
relevant to SPP.


On page 5 of the first link, they talk about SPP "Recently, we described
such spin for surface 

plasmon polariton, and it was shown that the imaginary longitudinal field
component plays 

an important role in optical coupling processes. 


From: Mark Jurich 

     Mark Iverson wrote:


     | Extraordinary momentum and spin discovered in evanescent light waves



     | Paper Ref:





arXiv Preprint:

(arXiv Abstract:


- Mark Jurich

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