Regarding Belinfante spin momentum.

Belinfante worked out that the spin of the electron was produced as a
result of its wave function and not motion of  forces within the electron.

Now the same considerations show that spin comes from angular momentum and
the wave nature of photons.

That leans support to the concept that electrons and photons are related if
not identical.

On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 8:02 PM, Bob Cook <> wrote:

>  Jones--
> It seems an answer to my original question for this blog--2 months
> ago--about spin coupling is finally coming out.  I hope Ed takes note and
> decides to address the basic parameter, spin, in his theory for LENR..
> Bob
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Bob Cook <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 09, 2014 4:12 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:FYI: Extraordinary momentum and spin discovered in
> evanescent light waves
> Jones--
> the rabbit hole just became more crowded.
> Bob
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Jones Beene <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 09, 2014 2:32 PM
> *Subject:* RE: [Vo]:FYI: Extraordinary momentum and spin discovered in
> evanescent light waves
>  These references tie into the thread on a dynamical Casimir effect in
> LENR and to SPP.
> That may be why they were sent, but in case the connection is not obvious
> to everyone, here is an additional point.
> Mie scattering and Mie's solution to Maxwell - is the scattering of
> electromagnetic radiation by a sphere. Generally a sphere makes a good
> radiator but does not make a good antenna, but there are exceptions. When
> the sphere is a micron-sized nickel powder, loaded with hydrogen and with
> nanometer geometry in the surface features (tubules), all of this becomes
> relevant to SPP.
> On page 5 of the first link, they talk about SPP "Recently, we described
> such spin for surface
> plasmon polariton, and it was shown that the imaginary longitudinal field
> component plays
> an important role in optical coupling processes...
> *From:* Mark Jurich
>      Mark Iverson wrote:
>      | Extraordinary momentum and spin discovered in evanescent light waves
>      |
>      | Paper Ref:
>     |
> FYI:
> arXiv Preprint:
> (arXiv Abstract:
> - Mark Jurich

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