Bob Cook wrote:
                It seems an answer to my original question for this blog--2
months ago--about spin coupling is finally coming out.  I hope Ed takes note
and decides to address the basic parameter, spin, in his theory for LENR.

Spin coupling is very different in the Nickel-Hydrogen type of LENR than in
Pd-D - and this would explain why a theory derived from the latter cannot
adequately explain the former. Protons fusing to deuterium - as an
explanation for gain - has severe problems with spin, which make that
putative reaction a physically impossibility - at least in a statistically
relevant way.

Ferromagnetism is important in Ni-H, but not in Pd-D and the magnon as an
energy transfer medium is probably not related to the Pd-D reaction in any
way. Many observers balk at trying to digest the implications of the magnon,
but the Wiki entry is adequate to frame the issues. The magnon/exciton
should be viewed together as allowing spin coupling to thermal kinetics, on
the high end and to proton spin flipping on the low. In short, spin energy
transfer can be derived from simple para <-> ortho reversals happening at
THz frequency... and consequently Ni-H do not need nuclear fusion as an
intrinsic factor. It may happen as an occasional side effect, but is not
needed for the excess energy seen.

However, we do need nuclear mass conversion to energy in Ni-H, but it does
not need to be related to permanent fusion. This fundamental dichotomy has
much ingrained resistance in the LENR field, since so much work was done
primarily in Pd-D in the early days - that it is hard for practitioners to
accept that Ni-H is fundamentally different.

The magnon is a collective excitation of spin structure in a lattice. In a
nickel particle which is loaded with hydrogen and excited by a spin wave
(i.e. an exciton) the magnon can be viewed simply as a spin wave at the
macro-molecular level. This is the level that couples to thermodynamics. As
a quasiparticle, a magnon carries a fixed amount of energy and lattice
momentum and possesses an intrinsic spin of h-bar. This spin can be coupled
- both to phonons and to proton spin and to the underlying Lamb shift at the

The Lamb shift is tiny net energy per instance, with a very high transaction
rate. The problem that most observers have with this description is that it
does not frame the issue of the ultimate source of energy - which is much
higher than chemical. But that issue can be addressed elegantly as spin
coupling as well, since quarks have spin (also tied to h-bar) and quark mass
is not quantized... this is true, so long as the proton, on average, has
excess mass to share. 

It does, on average.


Here, here... another round of drinks at the H Bar - and three quarks for
Muster Mark!

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