Did my master's thesis under Dr. James Telford, atmospheric physicist, and
expert in cloud microphysics.  One of Telford's areas of interest was cloud
electrification, which, at the time, was still not clearly explained.  My
thesis redesigned a novel airborne electric field measuring device which he
and Dr. Peter Wagner had developed.  One hypothesis about cloud
electrification had to do with the collision of droplets inside the cloud
causing a transfer of electrical charge, but that was only one of several
hypotheses.  When I read the article on the electrification of the powder, I
immediately thought that the mechanism could be related. 

-Mark Iverson


From: Blaze Spinnaker [mailto:blazespinna...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2014 7:53 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:unknown mechanism generates voltage in the powder cracks


Axil, I don't get it.   Why not optimize this for power generation?  Find a
way to generate cracks in a nano material with a small amount of
electricity.  Presumably there is an optimal material, shape, context in
terms of gases present that causes this, and a better method than just
'shifting a Tupperware container'


This sounds like a revolutionary news article where the main stream press
and a good university (Rutgers) is coming to terms with the reality
something is happening there.


My only question, is that is voltage being reported.  What was the excess
thermal heat?  Going to email them.

On Saturday, March 8, 2014, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:



LENR has been talking about this for some time now.

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