On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 9:13 PM, Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com> wrote:

 A key question is how easy it is to enrich Ni.  This should be easy to
> answer.  Note in my comment I suggested that particular organic Ni
> compounds may be selectively sensitive to tuned laser based on  the isotope
> they contain and hence selective dissociation or other chemical reaction to
> accomplish separation.

This is far from anything I have experience with or know about, although I
can envision how it might work.

Do you remember when the topic was discussed before.  I would like to
> review that thread.

Unfortunately it wasn't a single thread that I can point you to.  The
detail related to one of Rossi's patent applications and to a counterclaim
made by Defkalion, as well as a similar but distinct claim made by
Defkalion in relation to different isotopes of nickel.  In Rossi's
application, I do not recall the specific isotopes, although I suspect they
were 62Ni and 64Ni.  The key point of the discussion was that some isotopes
might be more reactive than others.


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