You might look at this paper as well; I've mentioned it many moons ago.


Polarizable vacuum analysis of electric and magnetic fields, Xing-Hao Ye



The electric and magnetic fields are investigated on the basis of quantum
vacuum. The analysis of the electromagnetic energy and force indicates that
an electric field is a polarized distribution of the vacuum virtual dipoles,
and that a magnetic field in vacuum is a rearrangement of the vacuum
polarization. It means that an electromagnetic wave is a successional
changing of the vacuum polarization in space. Also, it is found that the
average half length of the virtual dipoles around an elementary charge is
a=2.8 *10^(-15)m. The result leads to the step distribution of the field
energy around an electron, the relation between the fine structure constant
and the vacuum polarization distribution, and an extremely high energy
density of the electromagnetic field.



Anyone who has seen the mag-field-lines in iron filings has to at least
wonder if this is an obvious manifestation of the polarization discussed in
the above paper. 'Fields' are not just convenient mathematical constructs,
but a real physical phenomenon which directly influences matter.  The
scientist in me then wonders if the iron filings are following a
polarization of atoms in the air???  But I would bet that you would see the
same thing if done in a vacuum. 


-Mark Iverson 


From: John Berry [] 
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2014 1:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Electromagnetic inertia


Yes, when beliefs are challenged, most scientists end up acting more like
religious types.


To explain my idea most simply, it is magnetic hysteresis like drag of space
due to the speed of light limit.


Only it requires acceleration.


Secondly I have found scientific papers claim that the near-field around a
dipole transmits instantaneously within the quarter wave length.


I can find it if anyone is interested.





On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 7:51 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <>

I don't know if your EM inertia is the same thing, but I mentioned
previously that the concept of inertia being a kind of electromagnetic
'drag' between accelerated matter and the vacuum of space was first
derived/proposed by Haisch/Rueda many years ago.  I've visited Dr. Rueda
several times at his office, Cal State Long Beach, which is where I did my
undergrad work.

Their first paper on this topic was:

       B. Haisch, A. Rueda and H.E. Puthoff, Phys. Rev A 48 (1994) 678

It derived the formula for inertia, F=ma, from the zero-point field; F=ma
was a fundamental equation not thought to be derivable.  Comments from the
peer-reviewers went something like this:

"Well, I can't find any errors in your math, and the physics looks good. but
it just can't be."

Gee, that sure sounds like a scientist talking. NOT!

It was Bernie Haisch's concept, but Dr. Rueda did all the math.  and take a
look at the 1994 paper and you'll get some idea of just what kind of
mathematician Rueda is. it's like 40+ pages of mostly equations.  Anyway,
here's a reference for a followup paper they did in 2005:

Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Inertia Hypothesis

Alfonso Rueda, Bernard Haisch

(Submitted on 13 Apr 2005 (v1), last revised 15 Apr 2005 (this version, v3))

 This caught my eye when scanning the conclusions:

"(7) An experimental prediction has been made that the mass of the resonant
electromagnetic zero-point field modes within a cavity should add to the
mass of the cavity structure."

 -Mark Iverson

 From: [] 
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 7:44 PM

Subject: Re: [Vo]:Electromagnetic inertia

I looked at this and came up with the source of electromagnetic inertia is
the acceleration of an energy flow.


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