The COP of the Fleischmann Pons Effect appears in two primary modes:

Barely Measurable (COP perhaps 10% or so over unity).

Obvious (COP frequently infinite and long-duration).

I've never seen a breakdown of the literature into these two categories,
yet it seems this is important for 2 reasons:

1) An infinite COP of long-duration  is something that true believers in
the current "theory" will have difficulty rationalizing away.

2) An infinite COP of long-duration does not require expensive sensors or
data analysis to achieve adequate S/N -- indeed it can be adequately
recorded merely by digital camera showing the event.

I've made this point before but it bears repeating that in a resource
starved field that is beset by inquisitorial true believers holding
positions of power, it makes sense to focus on replicating the FPE in its
mode of infinite COP of long duration sans expensive measurement.

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