How expensive is it to replicate?

On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 9:14 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Cravens experiment was ongoing at infinite COP for 2.5 months before NI
> Week, and he indicated that he would keep it going (that needs to be
> confirmed).
> If true, this one has been ongoing for almost 10 months at infinite COP.
> *From:* James Bowery
> 1) An infinite COP of long-duration  is something that true believers in
> the current "theory" will have difficulty rationalizing away.
> 2) An infinite COP of long-duration does not require expensive sensors or
> data analysis to achieve adequate S/N -- indeed it can be adequately
> recorded merely by digital camera showing the event.
> I've made this point before but it bears repeating that in a resource
> starved field that is beset by inquisitorial true believers holding
> positions of power, it makes sense to focus on replicating the FPE in its
> mode of infinite COP of long duration sans expensive measurement.

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