From: Edmund Storms 


Of course nanoparticles have unusual chemical and physical properties. The
question is , Are these properties able to initiate a nuclear reaction? A
huge ignorance exists about the difference between a nuclear reaction and a
chemical change. You would do well to actually study some nuclear physics
and apply this knowledge. If you check, you will discover the thing called
the Coulomb barrier. The energy needed to get over this barrier is well


No it isn't! this energy level is not well-known. Storms would do well to
learn a little QM. His comments consistently demonstrate that he does not
understand nuclear tunneling or quantum mechanics at a level of minimal


Talk about arrogant verbiage !  


Once again, Storms makes the same mistake that he often makes in assuming
that LENR must requires a known fusion reaction - the one that he thinks he


Not to mention: Storms wants to "talk down" to a  competent scientist who
probably knows more about QM, in general, than he does. 


This is almost unforgiveable on a forum which is looking for truth, not self
aggrandizement or promotion of a pet theory. 


We should promote cooperation instead of sniping. Isn't that in the rules,



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