Bob, I know very well about muon fusion. If you took the time to read my 
papers, you would understand not only do I understand but you have no idea what 
you are talking about. The muon produces hot fusion, not cold fusion. The 
process has no relationship to cold fusion. 

I have tried to be patient and explain what is known about LENR and what I 
consider a useful explanation.  I have found these discussions interesting and 
useful in trying to explain LENR. However, I no longer see a purpose in 
continuing to subscribe to Vortex.  The goal here is not to understand but to 
speculate.  That is not my goal. 

Ed Storms

On Mar 22, 2014, at 9:18 PM, Bob Cook wrote:

> Ed stated:
> ->>---Of course nanoparticles have unusual chemical and physical properties. 
> The question is , Are these properties able to initiate a nuclear reaction? A 
> huge ignorance exists about the difference between a nuclear reaction and a 
> chemical change. You would do well to actually study some nuclear physics and 
> apply this knowledge. If you check, you will discover the thing called the 
> Coulomb barrier. The energy needed to get over this barrier is well known. 
> This energy is huge and this is why nuclear reactions do not occur in and are 
> not affected by chemical conditions. If you want to explain LENR using nano 
> particles, you need to show how and why the chemical properties allow the 
> Coulomb barrier to be overcome. Otherwise you are engaging in fantasy.-<<
> I would note Ed, that there are well documented low energy  nuclear reactions 
> that are called fusion  reactions where the  coulomb barrier is overcome.  
> One is  the fusion of two deuterons   in  a molecule that is bound together 
> with a muon and an electron.  The theory is that the coulomb repulsive field 
> between the two deutrons--the barrier--is reduced by the presence of the 
> attractive negatively charged muon and  an electron to the extent that the 
> wave function of each deuteron overlaps the other and another quantum system 
> force (not coulombic) draws the two protons into a new particle, helium, with 
> a relase of energy associated with the redcued total mass of the new particle 
> with respect to the mass of the two initial  deuterons.   
> I am suprised that you do not seem to recognize the reality of this reaction. 
>  There appears to be no kinetic energy needed to cause this reaction to take 
> place or "get over this barrier" (your words)  between the two deuterons.  As 
> long as the characteristics of the particles as presented by their wave 
> function is such that these wave functions can blend together to form a new 
> wave function with lower potential energy (mass) they shall blend together 
> consistent with theromodynamic principles associated with reactions that 
> result in an increase of entropy and spin conservation.   This increase in 
> entropy is a long-held  principle  of chemical reactions as well.   Spin 
> conservation principle  is only about 75 years old. 
> The existence of electrons pairs in  in chemical reactions is important 
> relative to ionization potentials.  Here it is believed the electrons pair up 
> with opposite spins with an overlap of their respective force fields as 
> described by their wave functions to form a new quasi particle with its 
> distinctive characteristics as described  by its wave function.  Cooper 
> paring is possible for any Fermi particles including protrons.  These are 
> consider to be quasi particles with spins pointing in opposite directions.  
> Bose Einstein Condensates of Bose particles (integral or 0  spin particles) 
> result from nuclear reactions without high energies required to over come the 
> coulomb barriers between such particles.    
> Bob
> From: Axil Axil
> To: vortex-l
> Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:35 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:2 Modes of the FPE
> Nano-particles allow for the collection and amplification of EMF(light) to an 
> extreme level in optical cavities sufficient to overcome the coulomb barrier. 
> This mechanism is well described in nano-optics, nanoplasmonics, and quantum 
> mechanics. SPP allow this energy accumulation and concentration to occur 
> because they as bosons which are not constrained by the fermion exclusion 
> principle.
> Most of this science is only a decade or two old and are leading the way in 
> current scientific development.
> On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 9:17 PM, Edmund Storms <> wrote:
> Of course nanoparticles have unusual chemical and physical properties. The 
> question is , Are these properties able to initiate a nuclear reaction? A 
> huge ignorance exists about the difference between a nuclear reaction and a 
> chemical change.  You would do well to actually study some nuclear physics 
> and apply this knowledge.  If you check, you will discover the thing called 
> the Coulomb barrier. The energy needed to get over this barrier is well 
> known. This energy is huge and this is why nuclear reactions do not occur in 
> and are not affected by chemical conditions.  If you want to explain LENR 
> using nano particles, you need to show how and why the chemical properties 
> allow the Coulomb barrier to be overcome. Otherwise you are engaging in 
> fantasy.
> Ed Storms
> On Mar 22, 2014, at 6:45 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:
>> A key statement in this paper is the very first sentence:
>> “Nanoparticles show many novel properties different from their bulk 
>> materials.”
>> This is why some here take issue with Ed’s relying only on “… the laws from 
>> the past 100 years of chemistry/physics”.  Those laws were developed with 
>> bulk samples, not nanoparticles, so they may or may not apply to what’s 
>> happening in LENR, and my $ is on the novel propertieswhich the referenced 
>> paper is studying.  This may also be the reason why the ‘gray-hairs’, or 
>> grairs to borrow a theme from Star Trek, have not been able to figure this 
>> out; they can’t think out of the bulk-matter-box.
>> So keep up the informed and researched speculations, cuz that’s what we 
>> Vorts are good at!  J
>> -Mark Iverson
>> From: James Bowery [] 
>> Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2014 4:17 PM
>> To: vortex-l
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:2 Modes of the FPE
>> These guys studied amorphous Pd nanoparticles:
>> Of course, in order to get a broad range of crack sizes, one must have a 
>> wide range of sizes of amorphous Pd particles -- not just nanoparticles.
>> Unfortunately, most of the search results for amorphous Pd out there return 
>> various Pd-based alloys -- not pure Pd.
>> On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 6:02 PM, James Bowery <> wrote:
>> Nanometer scale metallic glass particles would appear to be a natural result 
>> of this method of metal nanoparticle synthesis:
>> Inert-gas condensation is frequently used to make nanoparticles from metals 
>> with low melting points. The metal is vaporized in a vacuum chamber and then 
>> supercooled with an inert gas stream. The supercooled metal vapor condenses 
>> into nanometer-size particles, which can be entrained in the inert gas 
>> stream and deposited on a substrate or studied in situ.
>> On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 4:46 PM, a.ashfield <> wrote:
>> James Bowery Sat, 22 Mar 2014 14:14:49 -0700
>> >  It sounds like amorphous metals may be a fruitful avenue of research.
>> Yes, I imagine abrasion would cause lots of surface cracks on an amorphous 
>> metal - if it behaves like glass.
>> I had wondered in the past whether the surface preparation of the palladium 
>> electrodes was one of the keys.
>> Don't know how to develop cracks in a powdered material.  I suppose that if 
>> the material is not too ductile, just the
>> formation of the powder in a ball mill would do it.  SO experimenting with 
>> the ball mill might be one possibility.

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