
The fission reactor guys are no different in their skeptopathic bias toward 
LENR than the hot fusion guys are.  They both have cash cows in their barnyard 
that sadly give only sour milk--if any at all--it may be good for feeding pigs 
and most of them don't like it because it so sour.  But their buddies in the 
government still support their barnyard business.  Duping third world countries 
and waste management is their latest and last hope to keep the cash flowing.   
They are stringing it out as long as possible and at the greatest expense.  
Vitrification of high level radioactive waste at Hanford is a good 
example--$15Billion and counting--no end in sight.  

Hanford engineers designed and operated a pilot plant  to solidify (calcine) 
the high level wastes with a projected cost of $26million for a production 
facility associated with PUREX in the late 1960's.  The fission guys in the AEC 
decided that it was better to spend those $26millions on long lead equipment 
for the high temperature sodium fast neutron breeder Clinch River reactor.  
Those components ended up in a storage yard at Hanford and may still be there.  

 That started a trend that it was better to waste money than use it for some 
good.   The trend was needed to keep the nuclear tech guys employed.   I would 
love to debate the waste management issues with Per and the issues associated 
with the development of new fission  reactors.  

 Japan and Germany may have finally gotten it right regarding the desirability 
of fission reactor energy.     



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Axil Axil 
  To: vortex-l 
  Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2014 8:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defkalion web site account suspended

  By the way, I can't wait to tell Per and all like him that his courses of 
study are no longer needed to be replaced by the department of LENR; and those 
obnoxious and arrogant nuclear reactor operators who think that they have a 
lock on certain and truth.  

  Permanent unemployment for these types is called for as a lesson in humility. 
Am I bad?

  On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 10:47 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

    I value the discussions I have with Jed as a rare privilege in the same way 
that Bill Clinton valued his contact with JFK as a young man. The privilege of 
discussion with such emanates and illustrious personages as Jed and Ed Storms 
are a rare opportunity that the internet makes possible.  

    I had many similar adversarial discussions with dr. Per Peterson of the 
Beckley criticizing Per's reactor designs when such criticism was required.

     He was always gracious as all giants in their fields are. That is until I 
got band from that nuclear energy site for mentioning the possibility and 
validity of LENR. 

    That blatant homage to pseudoscience was just too much. All my posts were 
removed and my name as well as all mention of LENR was eliminated from all 
storage and memory on that site. 

    I hope such censorship and intolerance to ideas is uncommon here.

    On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 10:08 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

      Fair enough.

      As long as you have no financial interest, your opinion is as valid as any
      other educated observer here, but at least give Rothwell credit for being 
      top expert, held in high regard on this list - having been involved for
      several decades with no bias, and having never shown prejudice in the past
      for companies or inventors who did not deserve the criticism they 

      We all must realize that any form of alternative energy draws scammers 
      a magnet, and DGT was from the very first report associated with a list of
      unsavory characters - which you may not remember, and which no one wants 
      bring up again, as it is not relevant to the situation today... assuming 
      course that they have anything like the technology they claim... which I
      think they may have. What they seem to lack is top level management 

                      From: Daniel Rocha

                      No, I am not investor. But I know enough of DGT to know 
      they might save the world.

                      But why isn't my opinion honest? Why can't I putting him
      down? I Why can't I shill? If I think Defkalion is going to save the 
      why can't I give counter points? Remember that this forum can be viewed by
      anyone, it's open. So, it's important to give him counter points.

                      Jones Beene wrote:
                      - in the interest for furthering LENR ... while you are

      acting like little more than a shill, and putting him down with every 

                      Daniel Rocha - RJ

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