>From Daniel:


> Alright, if Defkalion cannot answer for themselves, 

> I am not going to do it anymore for free.


I realize I'm probably misinterpreting the intent of your message, but the
implication I'm making is that you may have been a paid shill for Defkalion.
Needless to say, I do not believe that for one second. I don't believe
English is your primary language so one must make allowances for that. FWIW,
your English is pretty damned good.


You recently asked me if why I seem to be talking back to you at you, as if
you have no credibility or experience in cold fusion. Actually, It's quite
likely that you have more CF knowledge than I. I'm not a scientist nor a CF
researcher. I don't work for a patent office, like you do, either. I'm Just
an interested observer with a plethora of eclectic and eccentric interests
that occasionally causes me to focus in on this controversial matter. CF &
LENR is a fascinating subject. It's as much a sociological/political
phenomenon as it is a scientific investigation in-progress. The politics
involved are utterly fascinating... and unfortunately occasionally
disgusting. What can I say. I'm hooked. Sometimes it's better that watching
another episode of "Game of Thrones". Who the hell is Mr. Martin going to
kill off in this episode!  Oh No! Not him!!! ;-)


Let me try to conclude on a personal observation I've made concerning my own
behavior & actions. I have, at times, made excuses for the behavior &
actions others and the organizations they might run where excuses I later
came to realize were not warranted. I did so because I believed in them or
WANTED to believe in them and their organizations - to the point that I had
acquired an almost religious-like faith in them - as if they could never do
no wrong. One of the truths I've had to learn (a truth I'm STILL in the
process of learning) is that most people... ALL people for that matter, are
only human. To be human is to occasionally error. There is no fault in that.
But as Scotty once said in one of the original Star Trek episodes: "Fool me
once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Who knows, perhaps DGT can
redeem themselves. I'm cool with that. We'll see.


PS: I hope you continue to make contributions. Having a dedicated individual
like you on this list who works for the patent office can be insightful for
the insights gleaned.



Steven Vincent Johnson


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