
I assumed a 1-D wave in the 3-D space.  However, it may be in the virtual space 
or the Dirac Sea.   In that case the effect may be instanteous at any other 
location in 3-D-- that is coupled via the Dirac Sea conducting instantaneous 
information to all points in the real 3-D universe.  

I think Maxwell's classical equations address the A vector and the PHI 
potential.  They did not consider the Dirac Sea or any other dimensions except 
time, TMK.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Roarty, Francis X 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 12:58 PM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:Vector Potential Wave Radio

  Another thought since my theory is in glaring conflict to common sense where 
a 4D volume would seem to increase distance traveled and take more time for a 
waveform traversing the Dirac sea is that like the epo the wave is now outside 
physical dimension – perhaps transmitting instantly like gravity the emanation 
speed becomes a trig vector between instant and normal C inversely proportional 
to the amount of confinement the geometry presents to the virtual particles in 
the local vicinity of the fractenna. IMHO nano geometry results in relativistic 
effects like Naudts paper mentions regarding the hydrino and would be confined 
to the fabric of space time where I hold to a Lorentzian model of physical 
matter being energized [wheelworks] via the virtual particles forcing their way 
thru the fabric – I don’t believe a field or energy passing out into the dirac 
sea would actually dilate or contract because such effects reflect the rate of 
vp intersecting with matter in our physical plane.. I don’t recall if Hotson’s 
epos were supposed to instantly connect across this sea but this is certainly 
how I would see it –instant not at C because C is relative to inertial frames 
and we are talking about an axis that is perpendicular to 3D. 

  From: Roarty, Francis X 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 1:47 PM
  To: ''
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:Vector Potential Wave Radio

  Not so strained and the point I was alluding to regarding the apparent breach 
of inverse square law because “distance” is due to physical / 3D confinement 
where time and space are invariant in our macro frame.  I suspect nano emitters 
 are dealing with the same vacuum suppression as  Casimir geometry,  The 
magnetic  field is being emitted into a different inertial frame than we 
observe,  in the same way I have proposed for a relativistic interpretation of 
Casimir effect…that is the longer  vacuum wavelengths still exist in the 
suppressed geometry but  unit time is reduced to allow the waves to fit thru 
Lorentzian transformation [stretching space and catalyzing time instead of the 
typical  contracting space and slowing time we accept for near C velocity]- 
remember that from the perspective of the emitted wave the outside world simply 
slows and contracts like the typical dilation we already accept in SR but now 
we have a new wrinkle..the wave is oriented with a trig portion of its field 
outside our 3D inertial frame similar to the near luminal object but unlike the 
red or blue shift of spatial displacement this vector has a delta confined to 
the temporal vector! My suspicion is that nano emitters enable a triginomic 
discount to distance traveled and escape the square law by traversing a 
relativistic vector between source and destination.

  From: Jones Beene [] 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 12:08 PM
  Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:Vector Potential Wave Radio

  Let me add one other curious detail, even if a bit strained. 

  Zimmerman’s “antenna” is a plasma tube, correct? This kind of tube often has 
hydrogen content. Thus - there is the remote possibility of an LENR energy 
anomaly connection – aside from any other anomaly related to the novelty of the 

  It would be most ironic if this was true, and even more so if the inventor 
was related to the other Robert Zimmerman J  (noted skeptic of LENR)

  James probably would have mentioned that, if it were true – but 
“synchronicity” often strikes in triplicate …

  From: Stefan Israelsson Tampe & Bob Cook

  … In short for a plane wave one can interpret the vector potential as a sort 
of kinetic flow in that direction and the scalar potential as just that the 
potential energy in that point e.g. the disturbance at the point. The 
simplicity interpreting this set of equations has always (for me) spoken for 
them actually being more physical that what typically engineers admit….

  BC: We have not discussed the Aharonov-Bohm effect … as a mechanism for 
transmission of energy from … LENR recent discussions.  It may create another 
magnetic coupling mechanism in the solid state… Do we have a new coupling 
mechanism for energy transfer in LENR systems because of the design of the 
transmitters and receivers in the Nano structures?

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