Sorry Jones, this preceding  post was not meant for you, it was miss-posted.

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 9:40 AM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Experimental information describing the Ni/H reactor is dammed hard to
> come by. With the negativity toward DGT shown by much of the LENR elite,
> our best source of this precious info will be cut off for no good reason.
> What good does it do for Jed to undercut anyone in this field, especially
> such a rich source of info. Jed is narrow in his priorities, all he is
> interested in is boiling water. So what if DGT has made some mistakes at
> this specialty. Why risk the flow of rich LENR experimental info for water
> boiling mistakes that everybody makes? It is just so unfortunate.
> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 9:12 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:
>>                 From: Kevin O'Malley
>>                 …And my question hasn't really been answered -- If Rossi
>> is
>> determined to be "real", wouldn't a stock like CYPW take off?  Are there
>> other public stocks that would skyrocket?  Any "steam engine" stocks?
>> I think that this is a good question and especially because many who
>> support
>> LENR would probably plow back any profits made from the Rossi announcement
>> into R&D.
>> Rossi is the tip of the massive iceberg – capable of sinking the Titanic
>> OPEC (or at least turning her back to port) but since AR admits to not
>> understanding what is going on –this is a wide open field, needing only
>> R&D
>> dollars and smart experienced researchers to explore all the angles.
>> However, CYPW has never seemed like anything special to me. It is
>> basically
>> a small steam engine which does not suffer the usual set of inefficiencies
>> when scaled down, and there are some serious red flags in their
>> presentation.
>> If one were to look for the best conversion technology (low temp heat to
>> electric) it would appear to be ORC. The Organic Rankin Cycle is “like
>> steam” but better and already in production for conversion of waste
>> industrial heat. In fact CYPW will surely change over to ORC if Rossi is
>> limited to low temperature.
>> We have mentioned this company before, going back several years, which
>> unfortunately has a similar name as the failed Stirling company and may
>> not
>> be publicly traded - but there are 3-4 others in ORC (and I am a terrible
>> stock picker).
>> However, if there was a quick dollar to be made from the announcement
>> itself, which would play on public sentiment and market hysteria (rather
>> than real economic realities) it would seem to me that the biggest
>> immediate
>> way to make money would be to short oil. There are other reasons to short
>> oil, anyway. Here is some info on that:
>> Jones

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