"Gamberale has a PhD in theoretical high energy physics from the University of 
Milan, and at the Milan based Pirelli Labs he has further developed the 
theoretical work in coherent electrodynamics by his countryman, late Dr. 
Giuliano Preparata. Among his experimental work he has been assessing the 
technology of Black Light Power. He has also made studies on electrochemical 
loading of palladium wires."


Gamberale’s association with Preparata speaks for itself. Martin Fleischmann 
described Preparata as “ the smartest person I ever knew.” Here is a nice obit 
by Miley of an unsung hero of LENR:



Unless he has suffered recent “brain damage”… ala Hillary/Rove … one would have 
to conclude that Gamberale’s level of competence surpasses the entire staff of 
DGT by an order of magnitude.




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