Axil Axil <> wrote:

The right word might be crimination. I don't believe that I am meeting the
> spirit of Jed's responces as follows:
> 1. to charge with a crime.
> 2. to incriminate.
> 3. to censure (something) as criminal: condemn

Franco Cappiello implied they are criminals, or at least that they will be
open to civil suits. I am just reporting what he said. As I said, I do not
know enough about the facts to judge whether it was stupidity or fraud.
Cappiello said:

We can talk about activities that will surely have legal aftermath, in the
courts of the countries where Defkalion Green Technology has [operated].

Possiamo parlare di attività che avranno sicuramente strascichi legali, nei
tribunali dei paesi dove Defkalion Green Technology ha operato.

The Defkalion GT put in front of all the NASA report, reports, and
measurements made by important scientists specialists calorimetry, but then
you have verified that they were all manipulated and exploited for their
own use .

It is clear that behind all this there could be a criminal intention

È chiaro che dietro a tutto ciò ci potrebbe essere un disegno criminoso.

In my opinion the NASA report Cappiello refers to was a checklist, not an
endorsement. I heard from Mike Nelson today, and confirmed that is what it
was. "More extensive tests were needed." DE finally did these extensive
tests, and now we know the facts.

Axil is upset with me because of what the people at DE said, and what
president Xanthoulis of Defkalion confirmed. His anger is misdirected. He
should railing against Xanthoulis, not me.

- Jed

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