On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 7:58 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

If we must choose between the two major non-nuclear hypothetical sources for
> power density in LENR – some version of the Dirac sea (ZPE) seems to beat
> out electron shrinkage by a country mile ...

I rather like the imagery of something coming out of the Dirac sea, which
reminds me of the sci-fi stories and movies of my youth.  As far as my
acquaintance with the corpus of modern scientific literature goes, anything
that is based on virtual particles becoming real particles sounds a lot to
my mind like *ex nihilo aliquid fit*.  There's always an energy balance
problem to be dealt with or explained away.

I guess the needed energy could come from dark energy or dark matter.
 Physicists leave themselves open to speculation on the possibility of that
stuff being converted into real matter and energy by taking the dark forms
seriously in the first place.  I have no strong opinion on the question,
although at first glance they give the impression of being a Rube
Goldberg-like consequence that is needed to save some broken prior


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