Jed sez:


> I have often said I wish I had the movie rights to cold fusion,

> but alas I do not.


I assume you are being a little snarky here. In which case, who the hell does?


In the meantime, what's stopping you from writing a personal account, one that 
is strategically sprinkled with convincing charts and graphs. Granted much of 
your "story" will likely contain anecdotal accounts, but IMHO that will make 
the telling of your story much more interesting than a cut and dry recounting 
of incidents and facts. You have met countless inventors & investors. You've 
talked to researchers, scientists, prima donnas, as well as a few whackos. You 
have also encountered detractors who live very high within the food chain of 
politics and influence, detractors who would love to kill CF as being a 
monumental waste of human resources - or perhaps they want to kill it for other 
selfish/vain reasons. 


You have managed to position yourself in a unique position of spending a huge 
amount of your personal time researching and reporting on this field. Most 
don't get such a unique privilege to dabble and prattle on for most of their 
lives on such matters. (The few that do, don't seem to give a rat's *ss about 
this subject. ) So, it's basically you, Jed. As a result of your relentless 
pursuit of this field, everyone who has two Cold Fusion nickels to rub between 
their fingers knows you too. Precious knowledge has been passed to you. My 
sense is that, in the aggregate sense, perhaps you more than anyone within this 
field has managed to acquire one of the best all-around general layman's 
assessment of how convincing, or not, the data really is.


You don't think I wouldn't buy such a book from you - from Barnes & Noble? You 
don't think others wouldn't either? 


Yes, I said BUY.


Jed, quit whining and do us all a favor and get it done before you die! 


PS: Pretty please? ;-)


I'm sure someone will likely get around to making a movie based on your book, 
but most likely after we're all dead.



Steven Vincent Johnson

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