

I've just read your modus operandi, and again I find myself wanting to say:


Have you considered putting together a historical account of the Saga of Cold 
Fusion? You've already written a book 10 years ago on how Cold Fusion has the 
potential to transform the world for the better. You obviously know how to go 
about assembling such a project.


It would not be just about assembling dry facts, though obviously a smattering 
of such fiddly bits would be an important contribution.


It seems to me that should it become a generally accepted fact that CF (or 
whatever the popular culture end up calling it) is a legitimate technology, 
many will begin to thirst for a historical account of how the technology came 
about in the first place. Many will wonder why the hell it took so long. I can 
think of no better person who could help explain to the general public why it 
is taking so long to manifest. IMHO, your grasp of general history is 
impressive. Your ability to see the history of CF in context with the rest of 
your knowledge of general history is the key.


No doubt this will take several years to assemble, particularly since so much 
is yet to happen. However, I'm absolutely sure you will get help from many who 
would be honored to help proof-read such an endeavor. 



Steven Vincent Johnson

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