Aw Shucks this was supposed to be in response to the ZeroPoint message
posted above, so I resent it.

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 7:06 AM, Steve High <> wrote:

> Well put, and I  feel constrained to point out that once the name of Bill
> B is invoked it's a lot like speaking the name JHWH. In short order the
> avenging angel will arise and impose His terrible swift justice. Not a
> pretty sight, leaves one shuddering in one's boots. One time He even shut
> the place down for five days so He could clean house. We all felt duly
> chastised and this would be a historically bad time for that to happen.
> Hence the heartfelt request: please play nicely in the sandbox(smiley
> emoticon)
> Steve High

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