Downshifting of gammas- all the way to phonons, without going through the x-ray 
level (which is detectable) is especially absurd, when one realizes that there 
is not a single experiment in all of physics that demonstrates any significant 
level of downshifting at all.


It is complete science fiction. Bad science fiction.



From: Bob Higgins 


I did not think I originated it, but I am convinced of it.  This came up in 
particular for the proposed shielding effect by WL.  It is a similar issue.  
Once the atom is excited with high energy to be released very quickly, it is 
difficult for pretty much any de-excitation mechanism to be 100% effective in 
reducing the energy to low level quanta.  In the WL case, I doubt that such a 
mechanism could be even 50% effective from geometry alone.


But you are correct that this argument may not apply in all such cases.  


I haven't seen a case yet where I believe that the downshifting mechanism or 
blocking mechanism could be 100% effective.  That doesn't  at all prove there 
isn't a scenario which could be 100% effective - I just can't see it.




On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

The problem is that after the high energy gamma is created, it is not plausible 
that 100% of the quanta are downshifted - some will fail in this post-fusion 
downshifting and be released as high energy.



Where dis this assumption come from?


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