Mr. Rothwell finally makes an unexpected appearance on this subject thread. I 
was hoping he would!


Jed, if it is at all within the capacity of your busy schedule would you be 
willing to view the June 25 video demos posted out at the BLP web site:


Part 1:

Part 2:


BLP has also promised to post a newer video, from a July 21 demo soon as well.


I was hoping you might find it worth your time to spend around 3 to 4 hours 
viewing them. Granted blocking out 3 to 4 hours this is a lot to ask. 
Nevertheless, I think you know a thing or two about what goes into the running 
of a good demonstration. i.e.: Make sure the contraptions work before you demo 
it in front of the target audience… and practice, practice, practice 
beforehand! I’m interested in your POV on whether you think these BLP demos 
were informative, or whether you felt this was nothing more than pomp and 



Steven Vincent Johnson

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