Excellent recommendations, Jed.


That's what I was looking for.


I agree, discussing theory may be interesting to some but probably not crucial 
for most. I'd think most investors just want to be assured that the data 
collected from the demonstrations is accurate because that immediately 
translates to big dollar signs for them. 


It should be obvious that spending a lot of setup time explaining a 
controversial theory means there will be less time spent observing the actual 
demonstration themselves. A cynic (no names given here!) might think that may 
have been deliberate on Mills' part because perhaps he may not actually have 
all that much to demonstrate. Again, my goal is to I remain agnostic until 
further notice. And as you have already noted, after theory has been discussed 
ad nauseum how many are beginning to wonder when they might be allowed to take 
a pee break.


BTY it's much easier to hear Mills talk in the latest July 21 demonstrations.


Part 1: http://youtu.be/GxuoMzm2HNE <- Mills "blathers"* then demonstrations 
are perform.

Part 2: http://youtu.be/8TKgrOjac6Y <- Q&A


* I like some of the "blather"


They turned off the noisy blowers during as much of the talk as possible The 
blowers were only turned on during actual demonstration time. 


Personal observation: 


I must confess the fact that, for me, receiving some theory did present an 
extra air of legitimacy to the follow-up demonstrations regardless of whether 
such  legitimacy is warranted or not. Observing Mills once again introduce his 
theory and the data he claims BLP has collected, it is very evident to me that 
Mills has given this spiel many MANY times in the past. Much of the initial 
July 21 talk is an exact carbon copy of what Mills stated in the previous June 
25 talk. THIS IS TO BE EXPECTED, nor it is a criticism. One last comment: It 
looked to me as if Mills spent far more time gazing off straight ahead... above 
the heads of his audience... as compared to attempting to make actual 
eye-contact. This strikes me as what happens when someone is much more 
interested in explaining their own personal "theory" as compared to trying to 
make actual eye-contact with the target audience. More of a nuts-and-bolts kind 
of guy. Not really a people person. Again, not really a criticism. Just an 
interesting quirk. Believe it or not, I'm an introvert.



Steven Vincent Johnson



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