I watched the 2 videos and my impressions are as follows:

1.  It seems like the design has undergone a lot of changes.  The engineering 
appears to have improved based on what they've learned.  I like the newest 
design of the suncell with a curved roof with a wash down water spray system.  
I think that was ingenious.  My impression that BLP is a serious company really 
trying to solve a problem

2.  I thought it was foolish for Randy to be revealing too much details about 
how his devices work. He seems to have revealed everything.  Now, a chinese 
company with no respect for patent law can easily replicate his design and 
flood the market.  Good for us, but bad for him.

3.  I get the impression that they are really very close to commercialization.  
The problems he talked about are relatively simple engineering problems that 
can be solved relatively quickly.  I feel 16-18 weeks is a reasonable target 
for a prototype.

4.  The markets will be shaken when Randy releases a working prototype that 
closes the loop.  It will be truly revolutionary and it will sell like 
pancakes.  A 1mx1mx1m device that can produce 250kw.  That would be awesome and 
I'll be one of the first in line.  The DOD will be running a stampede to 
Randy's door for his devices.  He'll not be able to make enough to supply all 
this sudden rush of demand.  And if Randy delivers even just a fraction of his 
promised output, it will be truly revolutionary.  I can't emphasize this 
enough.  It will be the beginning of the death of Oil and this death will come 
rather quickly.

5.  I don't get the sense that BLP is commiting some kind of fraud.  On video 
2, 3 of his partners endorsed Randy's work rather strongly.  I get the sense 
that they have done their homework and believe in the technology and they are 
coming out strongly in support.

6.  I don't get the sense that Randy was running a dog and pony show.  He seems 
quite open and straitforward and revealing some of his secrets.  I don't get 
the sense that his listeners were gullible people who are easily duped.  They 
appear to be fairly intelligent and trained folks.  I don't agree with Jones' 
impressions that these people with simple-minded investors and easily fooled by 

7.  I think we may have a winner here.  This technology will run circles around 
Rossi's hotcat.  If they can build this prototype and clearly closes the loop, 
it will be goodbye - strike out for Rossi's hotcat.  The hotcat will never be 
able to compete with the suncell, in any application.  The hotcat requires a 
lot of capex infrastructure to generate electricity.  The suncell delivers 
electricity right of the box at a small form factor.

8.  It will also spell the end to my wave-powered project.  It won't make any 
sense to invest in wave power when such a cheap device as the suncell exist.


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