From: Orionworks 


It seems to me that when you employ phrases like ".deceit, if there is any"
and especially ".active avoidance" these strike me, personally, as implying
Mills is deliberately performing a bait and switch campaign to entice DOD
into forking over vast amounts of additional R&D funding.


Actually you used the word "deceit" first. The short answer to your long
question is "no one knows for sure because there is not enough information."


The history of BLP and Mills pronouncements is that yes, he has been
deceitful on dozens of occasions over the years, and as recently as last
year. He may be a certified genius, but he has a history of giving false
hope to his patient investors. Some of that is over-exuberance, some is
calculated to raise the maximum amount of funds. 


OTOH - I have never doubted that there can be gain from fractionating
hydrogen - only that Mills has not been honest about his prospects for


If Rossi, despite his well-known problems with over-exuberance, is a 5 on
the trustworthiness scale (of 1-10) . then Mills is a 4. Here is the short
list of Mills' false promises:


1997: Art Rosenblum Interview - commercialization in 18 months. BLP's cells
have produced 1000% excess power; some have been in operation for more than
1 year. The prototype "produces thermal energy immediately, continuously and


1999: "Will commercialize a hydrino power generator within a year." 1000 W
prototype within 4 months. Village Voice, interview


2001: "implementation this year"


2005: "Only months away from commercialization."


2008: CRANBURY, NJ 2008 PRNewswire  BlackLight Power Inc. today announced
the successful independent replication and validation of its 50,000 watt
reactors based on its proprietary new clean energy technology. Licenses to
several New Mexico Utilities for Gigawatts.


2009: "Commercialization within 1 year to 18 months."


2012: 100 W CIHT by the end of 2012 


2013: 1500 W CIHT by end of year.


2014: 100,000 Watt SunCell in 16 to 18 weeks. No mention of CIHT,


Surely you can see the pattern there. where is CIHT now? Where are the
Gigawatts? Where is hydrino battery? Where is Capstone hydrino turbine?
Where is the gyrotron?





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