On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Mike Carrell <mi...@medleas.com> wrote:

Arc welders commonly flood t ears wit argon, a cheap inert gas, to avoid
> oxidation of the metal before it cools. Ionized argon has served as a
> catalyst in earlier gas phase experiments, but it plays no part in the
> SunCell.

Sounds a lot like Papp's device.

I have not done the homework on this particular demo, so I have no opinions
about it.  But here is the outcome I would *like* to see and that would
render perfect justice to all parties:

   - The device is just a reprise of the Papp engine.
   - The technology is covered by Papp's patent.
   - The reaction is LENR driven.  It has exactly zero do to with hydrinos,
   as evidenced by there not being any evidence for hydrinos beyond the usual
   evidence for LENR.
   - The COP is closer to 1-2 rather than +100, as has been claimed by
   unbiased and well-intentioned parties.

Such a set of facts, if verified, would bring eternal bliss and happiness
to the hearts.  There might also be a little gnashing of teeth.


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