Good point Bob.


That number – COP ~2 keeps coming up over and over again in Ni-H results from a 
wide range of experiments. The most recent Mizuno and Cravens work, although 
not Ni-H are also in the COP ~2 range, and they are convincing.


Is “two” the “new one” … for CoE purposes?


We should prepare ourselves for the eventuality that there is gain in Ni-H but 
it will be limited to a low multiple, at least in the average gain over time…. 
Even if at times higher ranges can be seen.


Give us a break, skeptics … it is still overunity. Actually, I can see the 
skeptics claiming victory (or trying to save face) since the gain is limited to 



From: Bob Higgins 


If Mills' water detonations for the SunCell are so energetic that he has a 
rumored COP of 100, then why did the previous demonstration in a calorimeter 
(which would have captured all of the radiant energy) only show a COP of ~2?  I 
even think this was in error (the calorimetry) for failure to adequately 
account for the ejecta in the control vs. actual experiment.  Why is Mills 
suddenly able to claim a high COP?


Vincent Johnson  wrote:

I certainly do not dispute the long list of prior BLP predictions that failed 
to come to fruition.

I think where I'm coming from is that, at least from my perception, it looks to 
me as if Mills senses something much more substantial with the SunCell 
technology working in tandem with the CIHT process. It appears to me as if 
Mills is betting the farm on the success of the latest technology. 


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