>From BLP's "What's New" link:







"Blacklight vigorously disputes the allegations of fraud by certain
anonymous Wikipedia editors, and has announced intentions to proceed legally
against individuals and entities that assert these false allegations. To
this end, it has recently filed a defamation action in New Jersey, see: NJ
Civil Case Information Statement


"The BlackLight Power Inc. Wikipedia page was amended with the notification
of the filing of the defamation suit that was promptly removed in conflict
with the rules Wikipedia claims that it adheres to. The Wikipedia page prior
to being censored by an anonymous Wikipedia editor can be found at this
link: Wikipedia PDF"



NJ Civil Case Information Statement:




Apparently it didn't take long for the Wikipedia "editors" to remove the
following paragraph at the end of the Commentaries section


"In 2014 after a series of public demonstration events, Blacklight disputed
the prior allegations of fraud and has announced intentions to proceed
legally against individuals and entities that assert these false
allegations. To this end, BlackLight filed a defamation action in New


Here's a link to the original post that BLP attempted to place out on
Wikipedia BLP topic:





Shoot! I'm all out of peanuts. Save my seat please...



Steven Vincent Johnson



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