I don't think that Blacklight is the best victim of those wikithruthers,
anyway since 2004-2005 I have observed that wikipedia, toward consensus or
toward some popular ideology lobby, is controlled by unilateral group of

I hope that when cold fusion fiasco will be unavoidable some people will
organize campaign to show those wikifiasco

2014-08-15 4:01 GMT+02:00 Jojo Iznart <jojoiznar...@gmail.com>:

>  Good for them.  Someone needs to teach these wikinazis a thing or two
> about objectivity.
> Is there still any doubt that wikipedia is a sham pretending to be a
> source of authoritative information?
> Jojo
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <orionwo...@charter.net>
> *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
> *Sent:* Friday, August 15, 2014 9:46 AM
> *Subject:* [Vo]:"Andy the Grump" is now in BLP's crosshairs
>  From BLP's "What's New" link:
> http://www.blacklightpower.com/whats-new/
> *"8/13/14*
> *"Blacklight vigorously disputes the allegations of fraud by certain
> anonymous Wikipedia editors, and has announced intentions to proceed
> legally against individuals and entities that assert these false
> allegations. To this end, it has recently filed a defamation action in New
> Jersey, see: NJ Civil Case Information Statement*
> *"The BlackLight Power Inc. Wikipedia page was amended with the
> notification of the filing of the defamation suit that was promptly removed
> in conflict with the rules Wikipedia claims that it adheres to. The
> Wikipedia page prior to being censored by an anonymous Wikipedia editor can
> be found at this link: Wikipedia PDF"*
> NJ Civil Case Information Statement:
> http://www.williamslopatto.com/uploads/2/5/8/4/25843913/blacklight_power_inc._complaint.pdf
> Apparently it didn't take long for the Wikipedia "editors" to remove the
> following paragraph at the end of the Commentaries section
> *"In 2014 after a series of public demonstration events, Blacklight
> disputed the prior allegations of fraud and has announced intentions to
> proceed legally against individuals and entities that assert these false
> allegations. To this end, BlackLight filed a defamation action in New
> Jersey."*
> Here's a link to the original post that BLP attempted to place out on
> Wikipedia BLP topic:
> http://www.blacklightpower.com/wp-content/uploads/pdf/2014_Wikipedia_Defamation_Suit_08132014.pdf
> ...
> Shoot! I'm all out of peanuts. Save my seat please...
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> svjart.orionworks.com
> zazzle.com/orionworks

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