Additional personal speculations:


* BLP is feeling embolden by the recent June and July SunCell
demonstrations. While many skeptics continue to express a number of
legitimate doubts... apparently BLP has none.


* BLP has initiated this latest legal action because they believe they will
soon have a decent chance of winning it. But getting a favorable ruling
first hinges on whether the SunCell technology performs as expected. I
suspect BLP knows this all too well. They are nevertheless taking this
action because they personally believe SunCell technology will work.


* It seems to me that winning a legal proceeding of this nature is likely to
generate a lot of additional juicy press that BLP may try its best exploit.
(Who doesn't like a good story of the underdog finally getting the chance to
chew on his long overdue bone.)


* * *


I think it might be within the LENR community's self-interest to keep tabs
of the latest legal action BLP has taken. If BLP can eventually get a
favorable judgment, and of course, a favorable outcome first HAS to hinge on
a successful SunCell demonstration, it may set a new legal precedent
pertaining to how Wikipedia manages by bylaws of editorship. It could
possibly send a warning to all anonymous Wiki posters - that your anonymity
will no longer protect you from legal action if you continue to spew


Such a ruling might once again embolden some to take another stab at
correcting many inaccuracies in the Cold Fusion entry.



Steven Vincent Johnson

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